PayWay Recurring Billing and Customer Vault once-off customer upload
Using PayWay Recurring Billing and Customer Vault, you can set-and-forget the regular collection of funds from your customer's credit cards and bank accounts. If you charge a different amount each time you can record the credit card or bank account details in PayWay and upload a simple file containing the amount to charge. New customers are added and existing customers are amended using the PayWay website.
When you are first established on PayWay, you may have existing recurring billing arrangements in place with your customers. You have two options in order to transfer your existing customers to PayWay. Details of these options are shown in the following table.
Option 1: PayWay Website | Option 2: Spreadsheet Upload | |
What you do for your existing customers |
What you do for any new customers |
Use this option when... |
Advantages of this option... |
More Information |
Once-off customer upload spreadsheet
Protection of sensitive customer information
The Spreadsheet format described below contains sensitive information about your customers. This includes credit card and bank accounts details, address and contact details, and the price they are paying for your service. Security of this information is important.
Email is not secure. Emails may be modified or read by malicious parties on the Internet during transmission. For these reasons, PayWay requires encryption of any Once-Off Customer Upload Spreadsheets that are submitted.
Use WinZip, or a compatible program to encrypt your spreadsheet as follows:
- Right-click on the filename in explorer
- Choose WinZip and then "Add to Zip File..."
- Tick the "Encrypt added files" checkbox
- Choose the strongest level of encryption available
- Enter an encryption password
- Email the encrypted .ZIP file to your implementation manager
- Provide the password to your implementation manager by phone
Format of spreadsheet
This section describes the format of the spreadsheet for the existing customer upload. You can download the empty spreadsheet: PayWay_Recurring_Billing_and_Customer_Vault_Once-Off_Customer_Upload_Spreadsheet.xls.
The spreadsheet contains a header area. You must enter your PayWay client number (e.g. Q10000) and Client Name (Example Business Pty Ltd). Each row defines a recurring billing customer. Do not leave any blank rows or include any total rows.
If a row in the spreadsheet is correct, a new recurring customer will be created. The next payment will be automatically processed on the due date (or if the due date is in the past, immediately). If a row in the spreadsheet is incorrect, a message describing the error will be reported to you.
When a Recurring Customer has been successfully uploaded it will be available to be viewed through the web pages in PayWay. An individual customer can be found by using the Search and Edit screen, which can be found under the Customers section in the left-hand menu. All successfully uploaded customers can be viewed by searching for New Customers on the Recurring Billing page under the View Reports section in the left-hand navigation bar.
Details of each column in the spreadsheet are shown below.
Column Name | Max Length | Required? | Description |
Customer Number | 20 | Yes | Each row in the spreadsheet must have a unique customer number. Do not repeat the same customer number on different rows as only the first row will be processed. Can contain only letters, numbers and dashes and be at most 20 characters in length. |
Customer Name | 200 | Recommended | Using the PayWay website, you will be able to search on customer name. The PayWay website shows the Customer Name on various reports. |
Email Address | 128 | Recommended | All contact fields (address, and phone numbers and email address) are recommended. If contact details are provided, then they will be available for export to CSV from the PayWay website on reports such as the "Final Payment Due" and "Customer's with Expiring Credit Cards". Must be a valid email address. |
Automatically Email Receipts | 5 | Recommended | The customer will automatically be emailed a receipt for each recurring transaction. Set to 'false' if the customer does not wish to be emailed receipts. Defaults to true . |
Phone Number | 20 | Recommended | Phone numbers may contain only numbers, + , and spaces. |
Street Address 1 | 100 | Recommended | |
Street Address 2 | 100 | Recommended | |
City | 100 | Recommended | |
State | 3 | Recommended | Must be one of the following values if provided: NSW , ACT , VIC , TAS , SA , WA , NT , QLD . |
Post Code | 4 | Recommended | A four digit number. |
Next Payment Date | 11 | Optional - Provide Next Payment Date unless frequency is VARIABLE |
Date when first payment for customer is to be made by PayWay. Must be in format 'dd MMM yyyy'. This field is ignored if Frequency is Variable as payments are scheduled in uploaded Payment Files. It may take 5 business days to process your spreadsheet once you have provided it, assuming that your PayWay facility is fully established. Take this into account to ensure your customers are not processed late. Payments cannot be scheduled for more than one month in the past or more than one year in the future. Any payments scheduled prior to the processing of your spreadsheet will be processed the day that the spreadsheet is processed. The next payment date will occur based on the original scheduled date and frequency. |
Standard Plan | 100 | Optional - Provide Standard Plan OR Frequency, Amount and Number of Payments. Leave blank if frequency is VARIABLE . |
Standard plans are used to save time when adding many customers with the same payment frequency, number of payments and amount. The PayWay website allows you to list all the customers on a standard plan. The payment amount for all customers on a standard plan can be changed easily. If you have created a standard plan within PayWay, you can specify the name of the Standard Plan instead of providing the Frequency, Amount, Number of Payments and your banking information. The value you provide in this column must exactly match the name of the standard plan. |
Frequency | 11 | Required unless a Standard Plan was specified. | Must be exactly one of the following values: WEEKLY , FORTNIGHTLY , MONTHLY , QUARTERLY , SIXMONTHLY , YEARLY , VARIABLE . This field is ignored if a Standard Plan was specified as the setting from the Standard Plan will be used. |
Next Payment Amount | 9 | No | Optional field which allows for the next payment to be different to the regular payment amount. See also: Amount column. |
Amount | 9 | Required unless a Standard Plan was specified OR Frequency is VARIABLE . |
Amount in AUD. Must be in dollars and cents format. Amount must be positive and non zero. This field is ignored if a Standard Plan was specified as the setting from the Standard Plan will be used. This field is ignored if Frequency is Variable as Amount is set in uploaded Payment Files. A maximum payment amount of $9,999.99 applies. Contact your implementation manager to change this limit. Surcharges may be applied to amount. Surcharges are calculated based on the rate set within PayWay. The Surcharge rates can be changed through the surcharge screen under the administration tab in PayWay. |
Final Payment Amount | 9 | No | Optional field which allows for the final payment of the schedule to be a different from the regular payment amount. See also: Amount |
Number Of Payments | 4 | Leave blank for, "Continue until further notice" OR if Frequency is VARIABLE . |
A whole number representing the total number of payments remaining. This field is ignored if a Standard Plan was specified as the value from the Standard Plan will be used. This field is ignored if Frequency is Variable as payments are scheduled in uploaded Payment Files. When neither Number of Payments nor Final Payment Date contain a value it is assumed that the customer is on an open-ended payment plan ("Continue until further notice"). May not contain a value if Final Payment Date is provided. |
Final Payment Date | 11 | Leave blank for, "Continue until further notice" OR if Frequency is VARIABLE . |
No payment will be made after this date. Must be in format dd MMM yyyy . This field is ignored if a Standard Plan was specified as the value from the Standard Plan will be used. This field is ignored if Frequency is Variable as payments are scheduled in uploaded Payment Files. The Final Payment Date may not be scheduled before the Next Payment Date or more than forty years after the Next Payment Date. When neither Number of Payments nor Final Payment Date contain a value it is assumed that the customer is on an open-ended payment plan ("Continue until further notice"). May not contain a value if Number Of Payments is provided. |
Credit Card Number | 18 | Required for credit card payments | Must be a valid credit card |
Card Expiry Date | 5 | Recommended for credit card payments | Expiry date of Credit Card. Must be in format MM/yy |
Cardholder Name | 60 | Recommended for credit card payments | Cardholder Name as it appears on Credit Card |
Merchant Id | 9 | Recommended for credit card payments. Required if you have more than one linked Merchant Id | Must match your Merchant Id in PayWay. The available Merchant Ids can be confirmed on the PayWay website if you have Administrator access by clicking on "Administration" in the left-hand menu and then clicking on "Merchants". If no Merchant Id is provided here and you have only one linked Merchant Id, then payment will default to that merchant. It is not necessary to include your Amex or Diners id for Amex/Diners cardholders. These are linked to your Merchant Id within PayWay. |
Account Number | 9 | Required for direct debit payments | The Customer's Bank account number. |
Account BSB | Exactly 7 | Required for direct debit payments | The Customer's BSB number in the format 000-000 . Must be a valid BSB. |
Account Name | 60 | Required for direct debit payments | Name of Customers bank account |
Your Bank Account | Exactly 14 | Recommended for direct debit payments. Required if you have more than one linked direct debit bank account | Your BSB and bank account in the format 000-000 000000 . This must match the Bank Account linked in PayWay that you provided when establishing the facility. The available Bank accounts can be confirmed on the PayWay website if you have Administrator access by clicking on "Administration" in the left-hand menu, and then clicking on "Bank Accounts". If no Bank Account is entered, and you have only one linked Bank Account, then payment will default to that Bank Account. |
Custom Field 1 | 60 | No | Use custom fields to save extra information about each of your customers. Setup the master list of custom fields by click on "Administration" and then "Custom Fields". Populate the spreadsheet with the values you wish to save for the custom field. |
Custom Field 2 | 60 | No | |
Custom Field 3 | 60 | No | |
Custom Field 4 | 60 | No |